Recently I consulted Hailey, a short distance runner, whom developed anterior knee pain. In a part of examination process, the assessment of running shoes is important to reduce ground reaction force during landing and to prevent repetitive impact injuries on foot, knee, hip, and low back. As a rule of thumb, I usually look at the kinematic control of shoes to support individual's foot type and their comfort level during running.

Hailey presented with rigid feet (high arch) during gait and foot assessment. She is a forefoot to mid foot striker during landing. Individuals with "Rigid feet" do not have an enough control of weight acceptance/attenuation during initial weight contact on the ground. In a way to accommodate it's unique feet type in running, they need to learn how to create soft landing to reduce ground reaction force and motor control of muscles (trunk, hip, knee, leg). Extrinsically, proper selection of running shoes would benefit to compensate rigid feet by improving weight acceptance. Upon video running analysis of Hailey's running, you can see there is "excessive" pronatory moment happening during weight acceptance which creates mediolateral impact on left knee. Screen of shoes revealed that they did not have enough stiffness of midsole as you see it from above picture.

I recommended her to have neutral shoes with medial arch re-enhancement but with comfort level to be most priority of choosing running shoes. After modifying her shoes, I ran another video running analysis. You can see much better control during weight acceptance associated with landing.
Consult with us If you need to guide how to choose running shoes fitted in your unique feet type. Happy running!